A little self- care goes a long way. Help your friends and family be their best self this holiday season. I call it gifting with a purpose. This is a gift guide for the overly stressed. This is a gift guide for the friend who values self- development and mindfulness. This is the gift guide for women who love self- care. This is a holiday gift guide of self-care gifts under $25. These 5 thoughtful gifts all say “I care about your well- being.”
Yoga Dice
Number one on our holiday gift guide of self- care gifts under $25 is yoga dice. Do you know a yoga lover? Each of these seven wooden dice from Chronicle Books represents a different type of pose and when rolled together create an endless amount of routines.
Movement is a great stress reliever. Yoga or “mindful movement” is a great way to clear your head, release tension and express self- care. Great self- care gift under $25.

Pinch Me Dough
Pinch me dough is therapeutic past time- said to help adults stress less. It’s like play- dough for adults! We all know someone who is stress overwhelmed or dealing with anxiety. Creator Nancy Rothner, a clinical hypnotherapist who specializes in stress reduction, created it as a simple, holistic stress reduction tool. Plus it comes in a variety of scents like beach, sun, and spa.

Safe Word Book
Gift a woman who loves self- help books, self- care, positive thinking, and a quick and easy read. Safe Word is a mindful journey through motivational quotes, poetry, and self- development journaling.
Safe Word reveals a helpful self- care hack to engaged readers. This book is perfect for women seeking less stress, clearer thoughts, and a healthy mindfulness practice.

Sound Bowl
Give the gift of a relaxed mind this holiday season. Sound Bowls are beneficial for improving your mood and concentration while reducing stress. Sound bowls or sound healing works by sending sound waves throughout your body, which brings harmony through resonance. This helps restore your body's balance.

Motivational water bottle
Motivate your friends to stay hydrated. This 1- gallon water bottle is decorated with motivational quotes for the friend who needs an extra push on their self- care journey.
